How to know if you need a customer feedback tool
Most of us have used a spreadsheet as a product feedback “tool” at some point. However, there comes a time where a solution that simple isn’t enough.
Most of us have used a spreadsheet as a product feedback “tool” at some point. However, there comes a time where a solution that simple isn’t enough.
Product and support are often portrayed as the two parts of a business that just “can’t get along”. Improving communication between these teams can be challenging.
You’ve built a piece of software. You think your product value is through the roof. It’s useful, functional, and overall amazing. There’s a problem, though.
Many of us like to think we know how to give good feedback for a SaaS product. However, that might not always be the case.
As a product manager, it’s natural for you to feel like your product is your “baby”. However, being overprotective isn’t good for you or the product. Here’s how you can make sure not to get too attached.
There are customers that are easy to get feedback from and who are qualified for beta testing. And then there are customers who aren’t. How do you choose?
Open customer feedback can be scary. What if someone asks for a “faster horse”? You’re going to have to build it, right? Nope.
Most companies are terrified at the idea of “not listening to customers”. However, some feedback does not come from a good place. Here’s how to respond.
Not every SaaS company has endless spare money. One of the biggest piggy bank breakers are the tools we use—and it adds up fast.